The Woody Johnson Free Press

VOL. 1 -- NO. 2CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADATuesday, October 22, 2024

Classifieds & Personals

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*Security: Ice cream is cold, soup is ...
Hint: 3 characters

Patent Medicines

Drakes's Plantation Bitters

Purifiies, strengthens and invigorates
Creates a healthy appetite
An antidote to change of water
Overcomes dissipation and late hours
Strengthens the system, enliven the mind
Prevents miasamatic fevers
Purifies the breath and stomach
Cures Dyspepsia and Constipation
Cures Diarrhea, and Cholera
Cures Liver Complaint and Headache

They are the best bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calsaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentlr stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels ands Saloons.

202 Broadway, New York

Horses & Livestock

CARRIAGE TEAM - matched, gelded, eight years old, fifteen and one half hands, sound of hoof and wind. Bay, white face, three white socks. One won't pull without the other. Will not sell separately. $45 JAMES RILEY, Proprietor, Whitcomb Stables.

JERSEY HEIFER CALF We are very plesed to be able to offer a unique opportunity for someone who wants an exceptional jersey heifer. $15 or trade for ox. JOHN HAZEL farm, 2 miles east of Langford


Patent Medicines


Salt Rheum. Spring is the time to use DR. LEATHE'S YELLOW DOCK SYRUP,
Which Purifies the Blood, Invigorates the Body, gives Tone to the Nerves, Strength to the Muscles, and Health to every Channel, Joint, and Limb. One Dollar per Bottle (which often cures). Depot, 130 CHATHAM St., N.Y. Ask for
Take no other. Established 1848. Sold by Druggists everywhere.


Lost & Found

STRAYED OR STOLEN - From my residence, corner Austin and Ragan avenues, near Gill's station, a s'rawberry spotted cow, white face, both ears forked. Any one returning her to me will be liberally rewarded. T.S. TERRY

Colllie Dog (Black, Tan, and White) Lost at Fountainhall on saturday. Name "Tom." Apply John Tweedle, Plumber, Galashiels.

$5.00 REWARD - Strayed or stolen on Nov. 7, one blue or roan cow, white underbelly, some white on sides, marked with swallow fork and underbit in right ear. Deliver to CHAS. KUHN, corner Monroe and Summer streets, and receive reward.

REWARD - $5 reward for return of white poodle dog, taken from in front of 160 North Cherry st. Above reward pain and no questions asked, to party bringing said dog to MRS. WYATT, no. 160 N. Cherry st.


One note dated January 7, 1884. due twenty-four months after date, payable to S. S. Virgin, for $20, signed by Sandy Blount.
  One note dated January 7, 1884, due thirty-six months after dat, payable to S. S. Virgin, for $20, signed by Sandy Blount. All persons are hereby notified not to trade for said notes.


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